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Our best bark recipes - 2 recipes

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VIDEO: Strawberry Cheesecake Bites

This no-bake dessert is so quick, so easy, and oh so delicious!



  • 12 strawberries
  • 8 oz cream cheese (1 package)
  • 1/2 cup powedered sugar
  • 4 small graham crackers



  1. Hull the strawberries.
  2. In a bowl, mix the cream cheese and sugar.
  3. Fill each strawberry with the cheesecake filling.
  4. Smash the graham crackers and sprinkle on top.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Top rated Bark recipes


Smooth chocolate that is good for you and the planet! Add all the dried fruit and nuts that you want! Indulge!

  • One bag of vegan chocolate chips, white, dark or milk
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • dried fruit and nuts of your choice
4.3/5 (80 Votes)

Did you miss yesterday's joke? Read it here!



combine sugar, butter and salt

  • 2. cups butter
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 c. milk chocolate chips
  • 1 c. almond slices
2.8/5 (13 Votes)

Any burning questions? Our chefs answer!

Toffee Bark The Best Chocolate Bark, That is Vegan...Ever