Summer Salad


A salad created by my five year old.

  • 5
  • Easy
  • 20 mins
  • Average budget


  • Your favorite Lettuce blend...I used Romaine :-)
  • 1 cup of chopped in half kalmata olives
  • (again use your favorite if you hate those)
  • 1-2 Cups of Feta depending on how much you like
  • 1 Cup of shredded Chicken
  • (I used a rotisary chicken)
  • 1 Chopped and seeded tomato
  • Croutons


Step 1

Shred your lettuce how you like it, add olives, feta, chicken, tomato and croutons. Mix it all up. Serve it with your favorite dressing. Personally I'd go light because you'll lose the flavor of the olives etc.