shit on shingles



  • 3
  • Easy
  • 5 mins
  • 13 mins
  • Budget Friendly


  • 1 pound of hamburger meat, package of gravy, 2 cups of water, grand bisquit, can of pam


Step 1

you need an cooking sheet, skillet, splatulay, large spoon, wisk, medium pot, and strainer

Step 2

preheat oven 350

Step 3

have your skillet pan out onto stove and ready to cook the hamburger meat. start cooking hamburger meat until its brown. then strain meat, and set it too side.

Step 4

now go grab an can of pam and spray your cooking sheet real good. then open your roll of bisquit and set them onto the cooking sheet spread them little apart and into the oven. let them cook.

Step 5

next go grab medium pot pour your self 2 cups of water into pot and let its boil. once its start to boil, start open your package of gravy into pot and stir with wisk and bring it down to simmer for 1 min. then turn off stove and oven. bring out the bisquit once its done cooking and them cool down for few mins.

Step 6

next step mix up the hamburger meat with gravy. then its ready to serve out.

don't let its get burn

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