Nana's Chicken Dumpling Soup


A Family recipe

  • 4
  • Average
  • Average budget


  • 1-whole chicken
  • 4-chicken bullion cubes
  • 2-cans chicken broth
  • 1-onion (diced)
  • 3-medium carrots (skinned, and sliced)
  • 3-stalks celery (veined, sliced)
  • 2-white potatoes (skinned, diced small)
  • water
  • Flour, salt, pepper, water
  • salt and pepper to tasted


Step 1

Take gibblets and throw outout of bird, place into a large stalk pot

Step 2

Add bullion, onion, carrots, celery, potatoes
Add water till the bird is fully submerged
turn on low heat and let cook for 6-8hours

Step 3

By this time, the chicken should be easy to pull off
remove all the bones
add salt and pepper
then make the dumplings (equal parts water & flour, salt and pepper 1/8 tsp)
5min before serving, add dumplings
Dumplings will float when done

Step 4

serve and eat

there are very small bones in a chicken, you may not get them all...just be aware when eating

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