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Gourmandize and Club W


It’s easy to get in a rut when it comes to wine, becoming a creature of habit or just not knowing where to start when looking for something new. This is why Gourmandize has teamed up with Club W creating our very own Wine Corner. Immediately drawn to Club W’s unpretentious approach to wine, the monthly wine club was created as an affordable way to try new varieties based on personal taste . . . and they deliver


Removing the fancy jargon and the pressure of keeping up with the every changing wine trends, Club W makes recommendations based on personal preference using the results of the member's palate profile quiz. By offering their wines directly from the vineyard to your glass, Club W has figured out a way to offer great wines at a great price along with a ridiculous amount of knowledge. Whether they’re pairing wine with fast food, exploring the perfect sangria recipes or giving you the break down of wine regions and grapes, Club W provides the perfect mix of humor and relatable informative articles for the wine novice or connoisseur.


This month's wine corner features the Top Wine Apps, How to Order Wine like a BossChampagne vs. Sparkling Wine and more. If you're in the mood for more Club W check out their blog the Juice – and start exploring new wines picked for your palate delivered directly to your door.


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