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Everything You Need to Know About Foraging Mushrooms


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Porcini Mushrooms

Let's start with delicious and healthy porcini mushrooms: they're rich in protein, iron and vitamin D, which makes them particularly useful (and tasty) in a veggie and/or vegan diet. Store-bought porcini mushrooms are often sold dried, but you can find fresh ones at farmer's markets and of course in nature. 

Porcini mushrooms have thick, light beige-colored stems and brown caps. The porcini mushrooms season is usually June through November, and they're particularly commin under spruce trees, although they're also found under beech, oak, and pine trees too.

Porcini mushrooms can be eaten in their entirety—just remember to trim the ends. For larger porcini mushrooms, you can remove the spongy tissue underneath the caps. Like all wild mushrooms, you should never eat them raw. Their firm flesh and slightly nutty aroma add depth of flavor to risottos, soups and sauces. Here are our fave porcini mushroom recipes:

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