This Kitchen Tip Could Save You Energy (And Money)
Did you know that the arrangement of the white goods in your kitchen can impact how much you spend on electricity?

The Arrangelent of Your Kitchen Appliances Can Impact Your Bill
When we think about energy saving, we assume it only applies to appliances we actively use, such as televisions and video game consoles. However, there is one appliance known to be an energy guzzler, and placing it in a particular place in yuor kitchen, could make it guzzle more!

The Refrigerator
Although the refrigerator is a kitchen staple for the preservation of our food, its energy expenditure can constitute up to 30% of your monthly energy bill. Obviously, this is because without really realizing, it's in constant operation trying to keep your goods nice and cool.
However, if you place your refrigerator next to another certain kitchen appliance, you could be facing an even more expensive bill.

The Stove
If you take into account the fact the refrigerator's purpose is to keep your food cold, and a stove's purpose is to warm up your food, you can see we have a problem if they're sat side-by-side.
To keep your food at a cooler temperature, the refrigerator's motor often fluctuates. If we heat up food in the stove at the same time, the temperature of the refrigerator will rise, which will force it to work harder to keep cool and therefore use up more electricity.

And Other Devices?
There are also other appliances in your kitchen that are releasing a large amount of heat during operation, such as dishwashers, washing machines/dryers, and radiators.
We recommend placing the refrigerator away from any appliance that emits heat and, if possible, direct sunlight, and you might see a change in your electricity bill!
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